We formulate the right plan for your body & lifestyle
Digestive Health
All dietitians at Nutrition Wisdom have a special interest and expertise in the management of digestive conditions such as: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Coeliac Disease, SIBO, Diverticulitis, reflux/ GORD, constipation, lactose intolerance, Eosinophilic Oesophagitis Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. We can provide you with up-to-date dietary recommendations as to the best diet for managing the symptoms of your condition.
Food Allergies & Intolerances
All of our dietitians have completed additional training in food allergies and intolerances. If you have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and are unsure what your food triggers are, you could benefit from seeing a dietitian. The dietitians at Nutrition Wisdom have completed the Monash FODMAP certification course and can help guide you through the elimination diet process to find the foods that are causing your discomfort.
Women’s Health
We offer a range of women’s health services including: PCOS, Endometriosis and underactive thyroid. We support women during their fertility journey through to pregnancy and breastfeeding. Our dietitians our passionate in supporting women to improve their health and vitality through diet and lifestyle changes.
There are certain nutrients in our diet that are important for a healthy egg production and sperm production. If you’re currently undergoing fertility treatment, or would like a nutrition assessment before you start trying for a baby, our dietitians can help you to optimise your diet during this time. We offer express prenatal supplement plans and can advise on the best diet to support your fertility.
Healthy Lifestyle & Wellbeing
There are a lot of “one size fits all” diet plans out there, and it can be hard to figure out who is providing you with the best information. The dietitians at Nutrition Wisdom can design a personalised plan that is right for you. We are evidenced based practitioners who can provide you with the strategies you need to achieve your health and wellness goals. We offer nutrition services for vegetarian and vegan Diets, heart disease, diabetes and fatty liver disease.
What is the difference between a nutritionist and dietitian?
“Dietitian” is a protected term that only registered health professionals can use. “Nutritionist” is not a protected term, so anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. Dietitians have studied medical nutrition therapy at a university level and have received a undergraduate degree or higher in Dietetics. Our dietitians have completed undergraduate degrees in nutrition as well as dietetics and are therefore nutritionists and accredited dietitians.
Do I need to bring anything with me to my appointment?
Before your appointment: Once you have made an appointment, we will send you a new patient form which we will get you to fill in online before your first appointment.
On the day: Please bring any referrals from your doctors and any relevant blood tests you have had done with you to your appointment. It is always helpful when patients bring a list of any medications or supplements they are taking as well as a food diary for the past 3-7 days.
Do I need a referral to see a dietitian?
No, Dietitians do not require referrals from doctors. However, if your doctor has referred you, please bring this paperwork with you.
How many appointments will I need?
This will depend on your nutrition assessment and what you require support with. At your initial appointment, your dietitian will give you an guide as to how often you will need to be reviewed. For digestive issues and food intolerances, please allow at least 3 visits.
Do you do allergy testing?
Allergy testing must be conducted by a medical doctor or practice nurse so as Dietitians, we are unable to perform these tests. The Dietitians at Nutrition Wisdom do not perform allergy blood or skin prick tests however we can recommend allergy testing clinics and help you to manage any food allergy you have been diagnosed with.
Do you see children?
We are happy to see highschool aged children and young adults for food intolerance services such as IBS. For under 12 children we can recommend a paediatric dietitian to you.
Make a Dietitian Appointment
To make an appointment with one of our dietitians you can book online, email or call us. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Looking for more information? Check out our blog.